Villa Tilia Apartments, Via Ratzes 7, I-39040 Siusi allo Sciliar, tel.+ fax 0471-707460, cell. 333-6546865, This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it , Part.IVA: 01463280212
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South Tyrol 3 day weather



max: 21°
min: 13°

max: 23°
min: 3°

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How to reach us

Some distances to Siusi allo Sciliar:

Munic: 264 km
Stuttgart: 425 km
Leipzig: 690 km
Hamburg: 1007 km
Innsbruck: 111 km
Vienna: 577 km
Zürich: 376 km
Rome: 683 km
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